Tuesday, 17 December 2013

How to prepare feasibility report for loan

Our  Project  Introduction:
 Starting business of Dairy Farm its feasibilty report is given below.
Twelve animals (6 cows and 6 buffaloes) are raised on specific feed to gain high
milk yields. Dairy farming business involves housing, breeding, feeding, watering,
disease control and hygienic production of milk on farm.
A dairy farm with a herd of 12 animals (6 cows and 6 buffaloes) needs a total
investment estimated at Rs. 2.06 million out of which the capital cost of the project
is Rs.1.96 million for animal purchase and building construction. The rest is used to
meet the working capital requirement.
The project is expected to achieve revenue of Rs. 2.10 million in the first year with
projected IRR and Payback of project being 34% and 3.54 years respectively. The
farm will provide employment opportunity to 01 individual other than the owner /
manager. Legal status of the project is proposed as sole proprietorship.
A dairy farm is proposed to be established on a rented land, with a constructed
structure having total area of 3,174 sq.ft. The proposed model involves 12 animals
(6 cows and 6 buffaloes) to achieve milk production of 35,040 liters by the end of
first year. Milk will be primarily sold to bulk buyers at the rate of Rs.60 per liter with
an annual price increase of 10%. However, the farm will also offer sale to domestic
individual consumers.
1. Background knowledge and related experience of the entrepreneur in dairy
farm operations.
2. Application of good husbandry practices such as;
Selection of dairy breed: good local dairy buffalo breeds namely Nili-Ravi
and Kundi and cattle breeds such as Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Tharparkar
and Cholistani. Crossbred cattle may also be considered as
crossbreeding is recommended for non-descript cattle with semen of
local high producing breeds like Sahiwal, Cholistani, Red Sindhi etc. or
exotic breeds like Holstein Friesian, Jersey etc.
Selection of good dairy animals with excellent body condition and udder
health: average daily milk production of 10 liters or above for buffaloes
and 12 liters or above for cows in 2nd or 3rd lactation, essentially with no
disease history.
Housing should be dry, comfortable and airy with proper drainage of
dung, urine and waste material.
Feeding: Animal should be fed 1 kg of concentrate feed per 3 litres of
milk produced, hence animal with 10 litres of milk production would be
offered 3-3.5 kg of concentrate. Additionally, urea molasses blocks and
salt blocks can help in better milk production.
Watering: Supply of clean drinking water in clean troughs i.e. 50 to 80
liters of water consumption/animal/day round the clock maintains the milk
production capacity of the animal.
Breeding: Efficient and timely Artificial Insemination (AI) of good genetic
worth is a key to success in good breeding programs of herd.
Disease management: Hygienic and clean milking twice a day (morning/
evening) lowers the chances of mastitis as udder health and hygiene is
most important in dairy animals. Follow the recommended vaccination
schedule especially for Foot and Mouth Disease.
Female calf care and heifer management as it is very important in
maintaining dairy farm production.
Selection of good productive animals and culling of uneconomical
Record keeping for milk production, calving, AI, vaccination etc.
Proper storage of milk preferably at temperature of 4 Oc and transported
at 11 Oc temperatures.
Production capacity is based on project size. The Pre-feasibility study suggests
an initial herd size of twelve (12) animals which is economical to justify the
overhead cost. Initially, herd mix of 50% cows and 50% buffaloes is
recommended to obtain maximum milk production round the year. The dairy farm
will have the capacity to produce 35,040 liters of milk per annum.
Dairy farm is a viable business proposition for both rural and peri-urban areas of
Pakistan. There is almost equal demand for milk in both developed and semideveloped
cities across the country, hence, from the demand point of view the said
project offers good investment opportunities for small scale investment in all
provinces of country.
Domestic consumers, milk processors, dairy companies, milk collection companies
and contractors are the major clients of dairy farms.
A detailed financial model has been developed to analyze the commercial viability
of dairy farm project under the Prime Minister’s Youth Business Loan. Various cost
and revenue related assumptions along with results of the analysis are outlined in
this section.
The projected Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement and Balance Sheet are
attached as annexure.
Project Economics
All the figures in the financial model have been calculated for 12 dairy animals
consisting of cows and buffalos in equal proportion.
The following table shows internal rates of return and payback period;
                                    Project Economics
                        Description Details
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)                    34%
Payback Period (Year)                                3.54
NPV                                                                Rs.3,631,914

Returns on the scheme and its profitability are highly dependent on the efficiency of
above mentioned critical factors. In case dairy farm project is not able to attain its
target milk production or implement effective husbandry practices, it will not be able
to cover the potential market and recover payments; hence, cost of operating the
business will increase.
Project Financing
Following table provides details of the equity required and variables related to bank
                        Project Financing
            Description Details (Rs.)
Total Equity (10%)                                                  205,696
Bank Loan (90%)                                                     1,851,265
Markup to the Borrower (%age/annum)              8%
Tenure of the Loan (Years)                                    8
Grace Period (Years)                                               1

Project Cost
Following operational requirements have been identified for the proposed business.
                        Capital Investment for the Project
            Capital Investment Amount (Rs.)
Land                                                               79,752
Building/Infrastructure                                210,000
Cows and Buffalos                                      1,500,000
Machinery & Equipment                            66,300
Pre-Operating Costs                                    100,909

Total Capital Costs                                   1,956,961
Cash in Hand                                              100,000
Total Project Cost                                      2,056,961

Space Requirement
The area has been calculated on the basis of space requirement for shed area,
open paddock, servant rooms and stores. Following table shows calculations for
project space requirement;

Space Requirement
Description Area                                                    Sq.ft
Shed for Cows                                                        600
Open Paddock for Cows                                        600
Shed for Buffalos                                                    600
Open Paddock for Buffalos                                   600
Stores for Fodder, Concentrate & Machine        150
Utensils & Milk Storage                                          150
Servant Room, Washroom                                    90
Silage Bunker                                                          384
Total                                                                          3174
Total investment in building and infrastructure is calculated to be approximately Rs.
0.21 million.
Machinery and Equipment
Following table provides list of machinery and equipment required for the proposed
dairy farm:
List of Machinery and Equipment
Description              Unit Rate (Rs.)          QtyCost (Rs.)
Calf Feeder                           1,200                          3 3,600
Teat Dip Cup                        350                             2 700
Maize Cutter                                     20,000                        1 20,000
Water Pump                          20,000                        1 20,000
Freezer                                  22,000                        1 22,000
Total                                                  66,300
In addition to above, other equipment, such as fodder cutter, water pump and some
buckets etc. are required.

Raw Material Requirement
Following tables show raw material requirement to run the proposed dairy farm;
Feeding Requirements for Cows
Description   Kgs per animal per day   Rs per Kg     Amount (Rs.)
Silage            25.00                                   6.00               150.00
Concentrate  4.62                                      35.00             161.70
Total 311.70
Feeding Requirements for Buffaloes
Description      Kgs per animal per day     Rs per Kg      Amount (Rs.)
Silage                25.00                                    6.00                150.00
Concentrate       5.00                                      35.00              175.00
Total 325.00

Human Resource Requirement
One milkman will be required for milking and taking care of animals, whereas owner
/ manager will look after the overall business operations.
Revenue Generation
Revenue Generation Description Units     Annual Production Rate(Rs/Unit)Annual Revenue(Rs)
Milk Sales                               Liters   35,040                      60                           2,102,400

Income Statement
Income Statement
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Revenue from sale of milk 2,102,400 2,417,760 2,780,424 3,197,488 3,064,259 3,523,898 3,241,986 2,796,213 3,215,645 3,697,992
Other Income - - 72,600 159,720 73,205 161,051 248,019 58,462 128,615 212,215
Total 2,102,400 2,417,760 2,853,024 3,357,208 3,137,464 3,684,949 3,490,005 2,854,674 3,344,260 3,910,207
Cost of sales
Cost of goods sold 1 1,394,373 1,533,810 1,687,191 1,855,910 1,701,251 1,871,376 1,646,811 1,358,619 1,494,481 1,643,929
Medicine, Vaccination & Insemination Charges 30,600 37,026 44,801 54,210 54,662 66,140 64,024 58,102 70,303 85,067
Operating costs 3 (direct electricity & fuel charges) 120,000 132,000 145,200 159,720 175,692 193,261 212,587 233,846 257,231 282,954
Total cost of sales 1,544,973 1,702,836 1,877,193 2,069,840 1,931,605 2,130,778 1,923,422 1,650,567 1,822,015 2,011,950
Gross Profit 557,427 714,924 975,831 1,287,367 1,205,859 1,554,171 1,566,582 1,204,107 1,522,245 1,898,257
General administration & selling expenses
Administration expense 240,000 264,000 290,400 319,440 351,384 386,522 425,175 467,692 514,461 565,907
Depreciation expense 6,630 6,630 6,630 6,630 6,118 6,630 6,630 6,630 6,630 6,630
Amortization of pre-operating costs 10,091 10,091 10,091 10,091 10,091 10,091 10,091 10,091 10,091 10,091
Subtotal 256,721 280,721 307,121 336,161 367,592 403,243 441,896 484,413 531,182 582,628
Operating Income 300,706 434,203 668,710 951,206 838,267 1,150,927 1,124,687 719,694 991,063 1,315,629
Earnings Before Interest & Taxes 300,706 434,203 668,710 951,206 838,267 1,150,927 1,124,687 719,694 991,063 1,315,629
Interest on short term debt - - - - - - - - - -
Interest expense on long term debt (Debt facility : Bank 1) 153,654 140,672 123,609 105,130 85,117 63,443 39,970 14,549 - -
Interest expense on long term debt (Debt facility : Bank 2) - - - - - - - - - -
Subtotal 153,654 140,672 123,609 105,130 85,117 63,443 39,970 14,549 - -
Earnings Before Tax 147,052 293,531 545,101 846,077 753,150 1,087,485 1,084,717 705,146 991,063 1,315,629
Taxable earnings for the year 147,052 293,531 545,101 846,077 753,150 1,087,485 1,084,717 705,146 991,063 1,315,629
Tax - - 14,510 49,411 35,472 85,623 85,207 30,515 71,159 119,844
NET PROFIT/(LOSS) AFTER TAX 147,052 293,531 530,591 796,665 717,678 1,001,862 999,509 674,631 919,904 1,195,785

Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Current assets
Cash & Bank 100,000 263,773 368,446 707,627 1,329,304 1,837,528 2,658,926 3,454,083 3,844,248 4,852,032 6,184,381
Total Current Assets 100,000 263,773 368,446 707,627 1,329,304 1,837,528 2,658,926 3,454,083 3,844,248 4,852,032 6,184,381
Fixed assets
Land 79,752 79,752 79,752 79,752 79,752 79,752 79,752 79,752 79,752 79,752 79,752
Building/Infrastructure 210,000 210,000 210,000 210,000 249,930 249,930 249,930 249,930 249,930 249,930 249,930
Animals 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000
Revaluation Surplus/ (loss) - - (250,000) (250,000) (500,000) (750,000) (750,000) (750,000) (750,000) -
Net value of animals 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,000,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 1,500,000
Machinery & equipment 66,300 59,670 53,040 46,410 39,268 33,150 26,520 19,890 13,260 6,630 -
Total Fixed Assets 1,856,052 1,849,422 1,842,792 1,586,162 1,618,950 1,362,832 1,106,202 1,099,572 1,092,942 1,086,312 1,829,682
Intangible assets
Pre-operation costs 100,909 90,818 80,727 70,636 60,545 50,454 40,364 30,273 20,182 10,091 -
Total Intangible Assets 100,909 90,818 80,727 70,636 60,545 50,454 40,364 30,273 20,182 10,091 -
TOTAL ASSETS 2,056,961 2,204,013 2,291,965 2,364,425 3,008,799 3,250,815 3,805,492 4,583,928 4,957,372 5,948,435 8,014,063
Current liabilities
Accounts payable - - - - - - - - - -
Total Current Liabilities - - - - - - - - - - -
Other liabilities
Deferred tax - - 14,510 63,922 99,394 185,016 270,224 300,738 371,898 491,742
Long term debt (Debt facility : Bank 1) 1,851,265 1,851,265 1,645,686 1,423,044 1,181,924 920,790 637,982 331,702 - - -
Long term debt (Debt facility : Bank 2) - - - - - - - - - - -
Total Long Term Liabilities 1,851,265 1,851,265 1,645,686 1,437,555 1,245,845 1,020,184 822,999 601,925 300,738 371,898 491,742
Shareholders' equity
Paid-up capital 205,696 205,696 205,696 205,696 245,114 245,114 245,114 245,114 245,114 245,114 245,114
Gain/ (Loss) on revaluation of animals - - (250,000) (250,000) (500,000) (750,000) (750,000) (750,000) (750,000) -
Retained earnings 147,052 440,583 971,174 1,767,840 2,485,517 3,487,379 4,486,889 5,161,520 6,081,423 7,277,208
Total Equity 205,696 352,748 646,279 926,870 1,762,953 2,230,631 2,982,493 3,982,002 4,656,633 5,576,537 7,522,322
TOTAL CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES 2,056,961 2,204,013 2,291,965 2,364,425 3,008,799 3,250,815 3,805,492 4,583,928 4,957,372 5,948,435 8,014,063
Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity

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